Garden Hack of the Month: Winter Garden Tasks

December 9, 2019

Although things in the garden tend to slow down in the winter, there are a couple of tasks you can keep up on throughout the winter months to prepare for a beautiful spring soon to come. December – January                                                                                   Lawn   Stay off your lawn as much as possible when frozen or extremely wet… Read more >

Fall Garden Tasks

September 17, 2018

The weather is cooling down, the rain has come back, and the leaves are falling. Before the temperatures start getting too cold, it’s a good idea to take a look at what upcoming tasks you can tackle in the garden. Following these simple fall gardening tasks, will have your garden looking clean and tidy all… Read more >

Spring on the Farm

June 19, 2017

The first 6 months. Gains and losses. The last time I updated you on our recent move to our 5-acre mini farm in Snohomish was in February.  That seems like eons ago. And though the snow has melted and it appears the torrential downfalls have come to an end, it just barely feels like spring,… Read more >

What’s wrong with my Heuchera?

June 24, 2016

Heucheras have become a staple of garden and container designs across the Pacific Northwest. Caramel, plum and lime foliage that provides year round interest just can’t be beat. One of our favorite things about their foliage is the way it can change with the seasons. Cool fall and winter weather bring on rich saturated colors,… Read more >

How to create a more drought tolerant garden

May 3, 2016

Prepare now, or wilt later… If you live and garden in the Pacific Northwest, like we do, you no doubt recall that last summer was one like no other that we can remember.  And it’s true, May through July 2015 was the driest period on record and we had the hottest June and July on… Read more >