Plant of the Month: Astilbe
With this gorgeous weather we’ve had lately the respite of the shade is a refreshing change.
Many of us here in the pacific northwest have lots of space for shade gardening. Between the cloudy days and the huge fir, hemlock and maple trees gardening in the shade can pose challenges.
For bright spots of color in the shade there is one plant that we seem to go to time and time again…Astilbe!
The prime bloom season for Astilbe is in July in western Washington. Colors range from white to pink and even a deep burgundy. A few years back we visited the Woodinville garden tour and were inspired by the use of Astilbe.
When not in bloom the foliage texture lends a lacy, fern-like texture to your garden. Foliage is often tipped in bronze tones adding further dimension to the garden.
Astilbe are great in combination with hostas, another shade loving perennial with broad heart shaped leaves.

Photo from Woodinville garden tour 2012
Do you have a favorite flowering plant for shady gardens? Drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!
Organized under Buds and Blooms, Landscape Design, Plant of the Month, Plants I Dig. Labeled as blooming, Favorite plants, foliage texture and color.