Plant Profile: Sage

November 19, 2020

For most, sage is used once or twice a year to season the turkey at Thanksgiving or spice up a dish or two at Christmas but it has many medicinal uses along with its aromatic flavor. Salvia officinalis is the common culinary sage and is grown all over the world. It reaches 1-3 feet high…. Read more >

Dandelion Roots

October 22, 2020

Although many of us think about dandelions in the spring and summer, fall is the best time to harvest them for their roots. This time of year, dandelion roots will have the most nutrients and will be a bit easier to get out of the ground since rains have usually come back by now and… Read more >

How to Dry Herbs

October 23, 2019

With the weather getting colder, you might be wondering what to do with all of your herbs sitting outside. Drying herbs not only saves them from frost, but also ensures you’ll have plenty of seasonings for your winter meals without having to run to the store. Drying herbs also concentrates the flavors so you’ll need… Read more >

Plant of the Month: Autumn Joy Stonecrop

September 13, 2019

As summer turns into fall, you’ve probably started noticing that your garden is changing, too. Our plant of the month, Autumn Joy Stonecrop (Sedum x ‘Autumn Joy’), is no exception to this change and it can really liven up the fall garden. This sturdy perennial sedum has fresh green, succulent foliage that feels rubbery and… Read more >

Plant of the Month: Birch Hybrid Bellflower

May 31, 2019

If you’ve ever been on our Facebook or Instagram feeds, you’ll know that this plant is no stranger to us. Birch Hybrid Bellflower (Campanula x ‘Birch Hybrid’) is a showy evergreen perennial that blooms over a long season from mid-spring through summer. The purple-blue flowers are cup shaped and cover almost the entire plant which… Read more >